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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: West by north (0.01087 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to West by north.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: west by north west by north n : the compass point that is one point north of due west [syn: WbN]
English → English (gcide) Definition: West by north West \West\, n. [AS. west, adv.; akin to D. west, G. west, westen, OHG. westan, Icel. vestr, Sw. vest, vester, vestan, Dan. vest, vesten, and perhaps to L. vesper evening, Gr. ?. ????. Cf. Vesper, Visigoth.] [1913 Webster] 1. The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox; or, the corresponding point on the earth; that one of the four cardinal points of the compass which is in a direction at right angles to that of north and south, and on the left hand of a person facing north; the point directly opposite to east. [1913 Webster] And fresh from the west is the free wind's breath. --Bryant. [1913 Webster] 2. A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west. [1913 Webster] 3. Specifically: (a) The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe; the Occident. (b) (U. S. Hist. & Geog.) Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains; now, commonly, the whole region west of the Mississippi river; esp., that part which is north of the Indian Territory, New Mexico, etc. Usually with the definite article. [1913 Webster] West by north, West by south, according to the notation of the mariner's compass, that point which lies 111/4[deg] to the north or south, respectively, of the point due west. West northwest, West southwest, that point which lies 221/2[deg] to the north or south of west, or halfway between west and northwest or southwest, respectively. See Illust. of Compass. [1913 Webster]


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