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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Vase (0.00974 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Vase.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: vase bejana, jambang, pot bunga
English → English (WordNet) Definition: vase vase n : an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers
English → English (gcide) Definition: Vase Vase \Vase\ (v[=a]s or v[aum]z; 277), n. [F. vase; cf. Sp. & It. vaso; fr. L. vas, vasum. Cf. Vascular, Vessel.] 1. A vessel adapted for various domestic purposes, and anciently for sacrificial uses; especially, a vessel of antique or elegant pattern used for ornament; as, a porcelain vase; a gold vase; a Grecian vase. See Illust. of Portland vase, under Portland. [1913 Webster] No chargers then were wrought in burnished gold, Nor silver vases took the forming mold. --Pope. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) (a) A vessel similar to that described in the first definition above, or the representation of one in a solid block of stone, or the like, used for an ornament, as on a terrace or in a garden. See Illust. of Niche. (b) The body, or naked ground, of the Corinthian and Composite capital; -- called also tambour, and drum. [1913 Webster] Note: Until the time of Walker (1791), vase was made to rhyme with base,, case, etc., and it is still commonly so pronounced in the United States. Walker made it to rhyme with phrase, maze, etc. Of modern English practice, Mr. A. J. Ellis (1874) says: ``Vase has four pronunciations in English: v[add]z, which I most commonly say, is going out of use, v["a]z I hear most frequently, v[=a]z very rarely, and v[=a]s I only know from Cull's marking. On the analogy of case, however, it should be the regular sound.'' One wit has noted that "a v[aum]z is a v[=a]z that costs more than $100." --?, suggesting that the latter is considered a higher-class pronunciation. [1913 Webster] 3. (Bot.) The calyx of a plant. [1913 Webster]


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