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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Twin ship (0.01146 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Twin ship.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Twin ship Twin \Twin\, a. [OE. twin double, AS. getwinne two and two, pl., twins; akin to D. tweeling a twin, G. zwilling, OHG. zwiniling, Icel. tvennr, tvinnr, two and two, twin, and to AS. twi- two. See Twice, Two.] 1. Being one of two born at a birth; as, a twin brother or sister. [1913 Webster] 2. Being one of a pair much resembling one another; standing the relation of a twin to something else; -- often followed by to or with. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. (Bot.) Double; consisting of two similar and corresponding parts. [1913 Webster] 4. (Crystallog.) Composed of parts united according to some definite law of twinning. See Twin, n., 4. [1913 Webster] Twin boat, or Twin ship (Naut.), a vessel whose deck and upper works rest on two parallel hulls. Twin crystal. See Twin, n., 4. Twin flower (Bot.), a delicate evergreen plant (Linn[ae]a borealis ) of northern climates, which has pretty, fragrant, pendulous flowers borne in pairs on a slender stalk. Twin-screw steamer, a steam vessel propelled by two screws, one on either side of the plane of the keel. [1913 Webster]


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