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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Tulip tree (0.00925 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Tulip tree.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: tulip tree tulip tree n : tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work [syn: tulip poplar, yellow poplar, canary whitewood, Liriodendron tulipifera]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Tulip tree Tulip \Tu"lip\, n. [F. tulipe, OF. also tulipan, It. tulipano, tulipa, from Turk. tulbend, dulbend, literally, a turban, Per. dulband; -- so called from the resemblance of the form of this flower to a turban. See Turban.] (Bot.) Any plant of the liliaceous genus Tulipa. Many varieties are cultivated for their beautiful, often variegated flowers. [1913 Webster] Tulip tree. (a) A large American tree bearing tuliplike flowers. See Liriodendron. (b) A West Indian malvaceous tree (Paritium tiliaceum syn. Hibiscus tiliaceum). [1913 Webster]


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