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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: To sound in (0.02415 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to To sound in.
English → English (gcide)
Definition: To sound in
\Sound\, v. i. [OE. sounen, sownen, OF. soner, suner, F.
sonner, from L. sonare. See
Sound a noise.]
1. To make a noise; to utter a voice; to make an impulse of
the air that shall strike the organs of hearing with a
perceptible effect.
“And first taught speaking trumpets
how to sound.” --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues! --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
2. To be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published; to
convey intelligence by sound.
[1913 Webster]
From you sounded out the word of the Lord. --1
Thess. i. 8.
[1913 Webster]
3. To make or convey a certain impression, or to have a
certain import, when heard; hence, to seem; to appear; as,
this reproof sounds harsh; the story sounds like an
[1913 Webster]
Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear
Things that do sound so fair? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
To sound in or
To sound into, to tend to; to partake of
the nature of; to be consonant with. [Obs., except in the
phrase To sound in damages, below.]
[1913 Webster]
Soun[d]ing in moral virtue was his speech.
[1913 Webster]
To sound in damages (Law), to have the essential quality of
damages. This is said of an action brought, not for the
recovery of a specific thing, as replevin, etc., but for
damages only, as trespass, and the like.
[1913 Webster]