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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: To dress to the left (0.01059 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to To dress to the left.
English → English (gcide) Definition: To dress to the left Dress \Dress\, v. i. 1. (Mil.) To arrange one's self in due position in a line of soldiers; -- the word of command to form alignment in ranks; as, Dress right, dress! [1913 Webster] 2. To clothe or apparel one's self; to put on one's garments; to pay particular regard to dress; as, to dress quickly. “To dress for a ball.” --Latham. [1913 Webster] To flaunt, to dress, to dance, to thrum. --Tennyson . [1913 Webster] To dress to the right, To dress to the left, To dress on the center (Mil.), to form alignment with reference to the soldier on the extreme right, or in the center, of the rank, who serves as a guide. [1913 Webster]


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