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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Tendril (0.01006 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Tendril.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak)
Definition: tendril
English → Indonesian (quick)
Definition: tendril
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: tendril
n : slender stemlike structure by which some twining plants
attach themselves to an object for support
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Tendril
\Ten"dril\, n. [Shortened fr. OF. tendrillon, fr. F.
tendre tender; hence, properly, the tender branch or spring
of a plant: cf. F. tendrille. See
Tender, a., and cf.
Tendron.] (Bot.)
A slender, leafless portion of a plant by which it becomes
attached to a supporting body, after which the tendril
usually contracts by coiling spirally.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Tendrils may represent the end of a stem, as in the
grapevine; an axillary branch, as in the passion
flower; stipules, as in the genus Smilax; or the end of
a leaf, as in the pea.
[1913 Webster]
\Ten"dril\, a.
Clasping; climbing as a tendril. [R.] --Dyer.
[1913 Webster]