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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Tenant (0.00806 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Tenant.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: tenant penyewa
English → English (WordNet) Definition: tenant tenant n 1: someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else; “the landlord can evict a tenant who doesn't pay the rent” [syn: renter] 2: a holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title (as ownership or lease) 3: any occupant who dwells in a place tenant v : occupy as a tenant
English → English (gcide) Definition: Tenant Tenant \Ten"ant\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Tenanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Tenanting.] To hold, occupy, or possess as a tenant. [1913 Webster] Sir Roger's estate is tenanted by persons who have served him or his ancestors. --Addison. [1913 Webster] Tenant \Ten"ant\, n. [F. tenant, p. pr. of tenir to hold. See Tenable, and cf. Lieutenant.] 1. (Law) One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for years, or at will; also, one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements the title of which is in another; -- correlative to landlord. See Citation from --Blackstone, under Tenement, 2. --Blount. Wharton. [1913 Webster] 2. One who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant. “Sweet tenants of this grove.” --Cowper. [1913 Webster] The hhappy tenant of your shade. --Cowley. [1913 Webster] The sister tenants of the middle deep. --Byron. [1913 Webster] Tenant in capite [L. in in + capite, abl. of caput head, chief.], or Tenant in chief, by the laws of England, one who holds immediately of the king. According to the feudal system, all lands in England are considered as held immediately or mediately of the king, who is styled lord paramount. Such tenants, however, are considered as having the fee of the lands and permanent possession. --Blackstone. Tenant in common. See under Common. [1913 Webster]


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