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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Technical (0.01301 detik)
Found 4 items, similar to Technical.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: technical teknis
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: technical teknis
English → English (WordNet) Definition: technical technical adj 1: of or relating to technique; “technical innovation in recent novels”; “technical details” 2: characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences; “a technical problem”; “highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public”; “a technical report”; “producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country”; “technical training”; “technical language” [ant: nontechnical] 3: of or relating to proficiency in a practical skill; “no amount of technical skill and craftsmanship can take the place of vital interest”- John Dewey 4: of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles; “technical college”; “technological development” [syn: technological] 5: resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations; “analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally”; “the fall is only a technical correction” 6: of production of chemicals for commercial purposes especially on a large scale; “technical (or commercial) sulfuric acid” technical n 1: a pickup truck with a gun mounted on it 2: (basketball) a foul that that can be assessed on a player or a coach or a team for unsportsmanlike conduct; does not usually involve physical contact during play [syn: technical foul ]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Technical Technical \Tech"nic*al\, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? an art, probably from the same root as ?, ?, to bring forth, produce, and perhaps akin to E. text: cf. F. technique.] Of or pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts, or to any science, business, or the like; specially appropriate to any art, science, or business; as, the words of an indictment must be technical. --Blackstone. [1913 Webster]


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