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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Summation (0.01204 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Summation.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: summation summation n 1: a concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court) [syn: summing up, rundown] 2: (physiology) the process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce 3: the final aggregate; “the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered” [syn: sum, sum total] 4: the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers; “the summation of four and three gives seven”; “four plus three equals seven” [syn: addition, plus]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Summation Summation \Sum*ma"tion\, n. [Cf. F. sommation. See Sum, v. t.] The act of summing, or forming a sum, or total amount; also, an aggregate. [1913 Webster] Of this series no summation is possible to a finite intellect. --De Quincey. [1913 Webster]


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