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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Siliceous sinter (0.01322 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Siliceous sinter.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Siliceous sinter Sinter \Sin"ter\, n. [G. Cf. Cinder.] (Min.) Dross, as of iron; the scale which files from iron when hammered; -- applied as a name to various minerals. [1913 Webster] Calcareous sinter, a loose banded variety of calcite formed by deposition from lime-bearing waters; calcareous tufa; travertine. Ceraunian sinter, fulgurite. Siliceous sinter, a light cellular or fibrous opal; especially, geyserite (see Geyserite). It has often a pearly luster, and is then called pearl sinter. [1913 Webster]


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