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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Seven-year vine (0.00765 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Seven-year vine.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Seven-year vine Seven \Sev"en\, a. [OE. seven, seoven, seofen, AS. seofon, seofan, seofen; akin to D. zeven, OS., Goth., & OHG. sibun, G. sieben, Icel. sjau, sj["o], Sw. sju, Dan. syv, Lith. septyni, Russ. seme, W. saith, Gael. seachd, Ir. seacht, L. septem, Gr. ???, Skr. saptan. [root]305. Cf. Hebdomad, Heptagon, September.] One more than six; six and one added; as, seven days make one week. [1913 Webster] Seven sciences. See the Note under Science, n., 4. Seven stars (Astron.), the Pleiades. Seven wonders of the world. See under Wonders. Seven-year apple (Bot.), a rubiaceous shrub (Genipa clusiifolia ) growing in the West Indies; also, its edible fruit. Seven-year vine (Bot.), a tropical climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a tuberosa) related to the morning-glory. [1913 Webster]


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