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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Rocket larkspur (0.01136 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Rocket larkspur.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: rocket larkspur rocket larkspur n : commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium [syn: Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Rocket larkspur Rocket \Rock"et\, n. [F. roquette (cf. Sp. ruqueta, It ruchetta), fr. L. eruca.] (Bot.) (a) A cruciferous plant (Eruca sativa) sometimes eaten in Europe as a salad. (b) Damewort. (c) Rocket larkspur. See below. [1913 Webster] Dyer's Rocket. (Bot.) See Dyer's broom, under Broom. Rocket larkspur (Bot.), an annual plant with showy flowers in long racemes (Delphinium Ajacis). Sea rocket (Bot.), either of two fleshy cruciferous plants (Cakile maritima and Cakile Americana) found on the seashore of Europe and America. Yellow rocket (Bot.), a common cruciferous weed with yellow flowers (Barbarea vulgaris). [1913 Webster]


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