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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Requisitely (0.01244 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Requisitely.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: requisite diharuskan, keperluan, syarat
English → English (WordNet) Definition: requisite requisite adj : necessary for relief or supply; “provided them with all things needful” [syn: needed, needful, required] n : anything indispensable; “food and shelter are necessities of life”; “the essentials of the good life”; “allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions”; “a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained” [syn: necessity, essential, requirement, necessary] [ant: inessential]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Requisitely Requisite \Req"ui*site\, a. [L. requisitus, p. p. requirere; pref. re- re- + quaerere to ask. See Require.] Required by the nature of things, or by circumstances; so needful that it can not be dispensed with; necessary; indispensable. [1913 Webster] All truth requisite for men to know. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: Necessary; needful; indispensable; essential. [1913 Webster] -- Req"ui*site*ly, adv. -- Req"ui*site*ness, n. [1913 Webster]


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