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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Respectably (0.01434 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Respectably.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: respectably respectably adv 1: to a tolerably worthy extent; “he did respectably well for his age” [syn: creditably] 2: in a decent and morally reputable manner; “the film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Respectably Respectable \Re*spect"a*ble\ (-?-b'l), a. [F. respectable, LL. respectabilis.] 1. Worthy of respect; fitted to awaken esteem; deserving regard; hence, of good repute; not mean; as, a respectable citizen. “The respectable quarter of Sicca.” --J. H. Newman. [1913 Webster] No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected, without being truly respectable. --Madison. [1913 Webster] 2. Moderate in degree of excellence or in number; as, a respectable performance; a respectable audience. [1913 Webster] --Re*spect"a*ble*ness,n. -- Re*spect"a*bly, adv. [1913 Webster]


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