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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Preamble (0.00853 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Preamble.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: preamble mukadimah
English → English (WordNet) Definition: preamble preamble n : a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose) v : make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document
English → English (gcide) Definition: Preamble Preamble \Pre"am`ble\, n. [LL. praeambulum, from L. praeambulus walking before, fr. praeambulare to walk before; prae before + ambulare to walk: cf. F. pr['e]ambule. See Amble.] A introductory portion; an introduction or preface, as to a book, document, etc.; specifically, the introductory part of a statute, which states the reasons and intent of the law. [1913 Webster] Preamble \Pre"am`ble\, v. t. & i. To make a preamble to; to preface; to serve as a preamble. [R.] --Feltham. Milton. [1913 Webster]


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