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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Porcine (0.02691 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Porcine.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: porcine porcine adj 1: relating to or suggesting swine; “comparison between human and porcine pleasures” 2: repellently fat; “a bald porcine old man” [syn: gross] 3: resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy; “piggish table manners”; “the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father”; “swinish slavering over food” [syn: hoggish, piggish, piggy, swinish]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Porcine Porcine \Por"cine\, a. [L. porcinus, from porcus a swine. See Pork.] Of or pertaining to swine; characteristic of the hog. “Porcine cheeks.” --G. Eliot. [1913 Webster]


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