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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Pistol carbine (0.02119 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Pistol carbine.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Pistol carbine Pistol \Pis"tol\, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. Pistole.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, -- now of many patterns, and bearing a great variety of names. See Illust. of Revolver. [1913 Webster] Pistol carbine, a firearm with a removable but-piece, and thus capable of being used either as a pistol or a carbine. Pistol pipe (Metal.), a pipe in which the blast for a furnace is heated, resembling a pistol in form. Pistol shot. (a) The discharge of a pistol. (b) The distance to which a pistol can propel a ball. [1913 Webster]


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