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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Philadelphus coronarius (0.01223 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Philadelphus coronarius.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Philadelphus coronarius Philadelphus coronarius n : large hardy shrub with showy and strongly fragrant creamy-white flowers in short terminal racemes [syn: mock orange , syringa]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Philadelphus coronarius Mock \Mock\, a. Imitating reality, but not real; false; counterfeit; assumed; sham. [1913 Webster] That superior greatness and mock majesty. --Spectator. [1913 Webster] Mock bishop's weed (Bot.), a genus of slender umbelliferous herbs (Discopleura) growing in wet places. Mock heroic, burlesquing the heroic; as, a mock heroic poem. Mock lead. See Blende ( a ). Mock nightingale (Zo["o]l.), the European blackcap. Mock orange (Bot.), a genus of American and Asiatic shrubs (Philadelphus), with showy white flowers in panicled cymes. Philadelphus coronarius, from Asia, has fragrant flowers; the American kinds are nearly scentless. Mock sun. See Parhelion. Mock turtle soup, a soup made of calf's head, veal, or other meat, and condiments, in imitation of green turtle soup. Mock velvet, a fabric made in imitation of velvet. See Mockado. [1913 Webster]


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