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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Peso (0.01480 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Peso.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: peso peso n 1: the basic unit of money in Uruguay; equal to 100 centesimos [syn: Uruguayan peso] 2: the basic unit of money in the Philippines; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Philippine peso] 3: the basic unit of money in Mexico; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Mexican peso] 4: the basic unit of money in Guinea-Bissau; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Guinea-Bissau peso] 5: the basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Dominican peso] 6: the basic unit of money in Cuba; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Cuban peso] 7: the basic unit of money in Colombia; equal to 100 centavos [syn: Colombian peso] 8: the basic unit of money in Chile; equal to 100 centesimos [syn: Chilean peso]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Peso Peso \Pe"so\, n. [Sp.] A Spanish dollar; also, an Argentine, Chilian, Colombian, etc., coin, equal to from 75 cents to a dollar; also, a pound weight. [1913 Webster]


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