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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Oxford (0.01594 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Oxford.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Oxford Oxford n 1: a city in southern England northwest of London; site of Oxford University 2: a university town in northern Mississippi; home of William Faulkner 3: a university in England [syn: Oxford University] 4: a low shoe laced over the instep
English → English (gcide) Definition: Oxford Oxford \Ox"ford\, prop. a. Of or pertaining to the city or university of Oxford, England. [1913 Webster] Oxford movement. See Tractarianism. Oxford School, a name given to those members of the Church of England who adopted the theology of the so-called Oxford “Tracts for the Times,” issued the period 1833 -- 1841. --Shipley. Oxford tie, a kind of shoe, laced on the instep, and usually covering the foot nearly to the ankle. [1913 Webster]


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