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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Mullein (0.00890 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Mullein.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: mullein mullein n : any of various plants of the genus Verbascum having large usually woolly leaves and terminal spikes of yellow or white or purplish flowers [syn: flannel leaf, velvet plant ]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Mullein Mullein \Mul"lein\, n. [OE. moleyn, AS. molegn.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Verbascum. They are tall herbs having coarse leaves, and large flowers in dense spikes. The common species, with densely woolly leaves, is Verbascum Thapsus . [1913 Webster] Moth mullein. See under Moth. Mullein foxglove, an American herb (Seymeria macrophylla) with coarse leaves and yellow tubular flowers with a spreading border. Petty mullein, the cowslip. --Dr. Prior. [1913 Webster]


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