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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Mock (0.01035 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Mock.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: mock ejek, mengejek, pura-pura, tipuan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: mock mock adj : constituting a copy or imitation of something; “boys in mock battle” mock v 1: treat with contempt; “The new constitution mocks all democratic principles” [syn: bemock] 2: imitate with mockery and derision; “The children mocked their handicapped classmate” mock n : the act of mocking or ridiculing; “they made a mock of him”
English → English (gcide) Definition: Mock Mock \Mock\, v. i. To make sport in contempt or in jest; to speak in a scornful or jeering manner. [1913 Webster] When thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? --Job xi. 3. [1913 Webster] She had mocked at his proposal. --Froude. [1913 Webster] Mock \Mock\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mocked; p. pr. & vb. n. Mocking.] [F. moquer, of uncertain origin; cf. OD. mocken to mumble, G. mucken, OSw. mucka.] 1. To imitate; to mimic; esp., to mimic in sport, contempt, or derision; to deride by mimicry. [1913 Webster] To see the life as lively mocked as ever Still sleep mocked death. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Mocking marriage with a dame of France. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To treat with scorn or contempt; to deride. [1913 Webster] Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud. --1 Kings xviii. 27. [1913 Webster] Let not ambition mock their useful toil. --Gray. [1913 Webster] 3. To disappoint the hopes of; to deceive; to tantalize; as, to mock expectation. [1913 Webster] Thou hast mocked me, and told me lies. --Judg. xvi. 13. [1913 Webster] He will not . . . Mock us with his blest sight, then snatch him hence. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Syn: To deride; ridicule; taunt; jeer; tantalize; disappoint. See Deride. [1913 Webster] Mock \Mock\, n. 1. An act of ridicule or derision; a scornful or contemptuous act or speech; a sneer; a jibe; a jeer. [1913 Webster] Fools make a mock at sin. --Prov. xiv. 9. [1913 Webster] 2. Imitation; mimicry. [R.] --Crashaw. [1913 Webster] Mock \Mock\, a. Imitating reality, but not real; false; counterfeit; assumed; sham. [1913 Webster] That superior greatness and mock majesty. --Spectator. [1913 Webster] Mock bishop's weed (Bot.), a genus of slender umbelliferous herbs (Discopleura) growing in wet places. Mock heroic, burlesquing the heroic; as, a mock heroic poem. Mock lead. See Blende ( a ). Mock nightingale (Zo["o]l.), the European blackcap. Mock orange (Bot.), a genus of American and Asiatic shrubs (Philadelphus), with showy white flowers in panicled cymes. Philadelphus coronarius, from Asia, has fragrant flowers; the American kinds are nearly scentless. Mock sun. See Parhelion. Mock turtle soup, a soup made of calf's head, veal, or other meat, and condiments, in imitation of green turtle soup. Mock velvet, a fabric made in imitation of velvet. See Mockado. [1913 Webster]


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