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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Marsh five-finger (0.01325 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Marsh five-finger.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Marsh five-finger Marsh \Marsh\, n. [OE. mersch, AS. mersc, fr. mere lake. See Mere pool, and cf. Marish, Morass.] A tract of soft wet land, commonly covered partially or wholly with water; a fen; a swamp; a morass. [Written also marish.] [1913 Webster] Marsh asphodel (Bot.), a plant (Nartheeium ossifragum) with linear equitant leaves, and a raceme of small white flowers; -- called also bog asphodel. Marsh cinquefoil (Bot.), a plant (Potentilla palustris) having purple flowers, and found growing in marshy places; marsh five-finger. Marsh elder. (Bot.) (a) The guelder-rose or cranberry tree (Viburnum Opulus). (b) In the United States, a composite shrub growing in salt marshes (Iva frutescens). Marsh five-finger. (Bot.) See Marsh cinquefoil (above). Marsh gas. (Chem.) See under Gas. Marsh grass (Bot.), a genus (Spartina) of coarse grasses growing in marshes; -- called also cord grass. The tall Spartina cynosuroides is not good for hay unless cut very young. The low Spartina juncea is a common component of salt hay. Marsh harrier (Zo["o]l.), a European hawk or harrier (Circus [ae]ruginosus); -- called also marsh hawk, moor hawk, moor buzzard, puttock. Marsh hawk. (Zo["o]l.) (a) A hawk or harrier (Circus cyaneus), native of both America and Europe. The adults are bluish slate above, with a white rump. Called also hen harrier, and mouse hawk . (b) The marsh harrier. Marsh hen (Zo["o]l.), a rail; esp., Rallus elegans of fresh-water marshes, and Rallus longirostris of salt-water marshes. Marsh mallow (Bot.), a plant of the genus Alth[ae]a ( Alth[ae]a officinalis) common in marshes near the seashore, and whose root is much used in medicine as a demulcent. Marsh marigold. (Bot.) See in the Vocabulary. Marsh pennywort (Bot.), any plant of the umbelliferous genus Hydrocotyle; low herbs with roundish leaves, growing in wet places; -- called also water pennywort. Marsh quail (Zo["o]l.), the meadow lark. Marsh rosemary (Bot.), a plant of the genus Statice (Statice Limonium), common in salt marshes. Its root is powerfully astringent, and is sometimes used in medicine. Called also sea lavender. Marsh samphire (Bot.), a plant (Salicornia herbacea) found along seacoasts. See Glasswort. Marsh St. John's-wort (Bot.), an American herb (Elodes Virginica ) with small opposite leaves and flesh-colored flowers. Marsh tea. (Bot.). Same as Labrador tea. Marsh trefoil. (Bot.) Same as Buckbean. Marsh wren (Zo["o]l.), any species of small American wrens of the genus Cistothorus, and allied genera. They chiefly inhabit salt marshes. [1913 Webster]


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