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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Lucuma mammosa (0.00842 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Lucuma mammosa.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lucuma mammosa Marmalade \Mar"ma*lade\ (m[aum]r"m[.a]*l[=a]d), n. [F. marmelade, Pg. marmelada, fr. marm['e]lo a quince, fr. L. melimelum honey apple, Gr. meli`mhlon a sweet apple, an apple grafted on a quince; me`li honey + mh^lon apple. Cf. Mellifluous, Melon.] A preserve or confection made of the pulp of fruit, as the quince, pear, apple, orange, etc., boiled with sugar, and brought to a jamlike consistency. [1913 Webster] Marmalade tree (Bot.), a sapotaceous tree (Lucuma mammosa ) of the West Indies and Tropical America. It has large obovate leaves and an egg-shaped fruit from three to five inches long, containing a pleasant-flavored pulp and a single large seed. The fruit is called marmalade, or natural marmalade, from its consistency and flavor. [1913 Webster]


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