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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Liter (0.00918 detik)
Found 5 items, similar to Liter.
English → Indonesian (Kamus Landak) Definition: lit menyala
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: lit sulut
Indonesian → English (quick) Definition: liter litre
English → English (WordNet) Definition: liter liter n : a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints) [syn: litre, l, cubic decimeter, cubic decimetre]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Liter Liter \Li"ter\, Litre \Li"tre\ (l[=e]"t[~e]r; 277), n. [F. litre, Gr. li`tra a silver coin.] A measure of capacity in the metric system, being a cubic decimeter, equal to 61.022 cubic inches, or 2.113 American pints, or 1.76 English pints. [1913 Webster]


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