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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Lemnian (0.01596 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Lemnian.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lemnian Lemnian \Lem"ni*an\ (l[e^]m"n[i^]*an), a. [L. Lemnius, fr. Lemnus, Gr. Lh^mnos.] Of or pertaining to the isle of Lemnos. [1913 Webster] Lemnian bole, Lemnian earth, an aluminous earth of a grayish yellow color; sphragide; -- formerly sold as medicine, having astringent properties. Lemnian reddle, a reddle of firm consistence and deep red color; -- used by artificers in coloring. [1913 Webster]


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