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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Lance corporal (0.00710 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Lance corporal.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: lance corporal lance corporal n : an enlisted man in the marine corps ranking above a private first class and below a corporal
English → English (gcide) Definition: Lance corporal Lance \Lance\ (l[a^]ns), n. [OE. lance, F. lance, fr. L. lancea; cf. Gr. lo`gchh. Cf. Launch.] 1. A weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and a steel blade or head; a spear carried by horsemen, and often decorated with a small flag; also, a spear or harpoon used by whalers and fishermen. [1913 Webster] A braver soldier never couched lance. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A soldier armed with a lance; a lancer. [1913 Webster] 3. (Founding) A small iron rod which suspends the core of the mold in casting a shell. [1913 Webster] 4. (Mil.) An instrument which conveys the charge of a piece of ordnance and forces it home. [1913 Webster] 5. (Pyrotech.) One of the small paper cases filled with combustible composition, which mark the outlines of a figure. [1913 Webster] 6. (Med.) A lancet. [PJC] Free lance, in the Middle Ages, and subsequently, a knight or roving soldier, who was free to engage for any state or commander that purchased his services; hence, a person who assails institutions or opinions on his own responsibility without regard to party lines or deference to authority. See also freelance, n. and a., and freelancer. Lance bucket (Cavalry), a socket attached to a saddle or stirrup strap, in which to rest the but of a lance. Lance corporal, same as Lancepesade. Lance knight, a lansquenet. --B. Jonson. Lance snake (Zo["o]l.), the fer-de-lance. Stink-fire lance (Mil.), a kind of fuse filled with a composition which burns with a suffocating odor; -- used in the counter operations of miners. To break a lance, to engage in a tilt or contest. [1913 Webster] Corporal \Cor"po*ral\ (k[^o]r"p[-o]*ral), n. [Corrupted fr. F. caporal, It. caporale, fr. capo head, chief, L. caput. See Chief, and cf. Caporal.] (Mil.) A noncommissioned officer, next below a sergeant. In the United States army he is the lowest noncommissioned officer in a company of infantry. He places and relieves sentinels. [1913 Webster] Corporal's guard, a detachment such as would be in charge of a corporal for guard duty, etc.; hence, derisively, a very small number of persons. Lance corporal, an assistant corporal on private's pay. --Farrow. Ship's corporal (Naut.), a petty officer who assists the master at arms in his various duties. [1913 Webster]


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