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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Journeys (0.02121 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Journeys.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: journey perjalanan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: journey journey n : the act of traveling from one place to another [syn: journeying] v 1: undertake a journey or trip [syn: travel] 2: travel upon or across; “travel the oceans” [syn: travel]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Journeys Journey \Jour"ney\, n.; pl. Journeys. [OE. jornee, journee, prop., a day's journey, OF. jorn['e]e, jurn['e]e, a day, a day's work of journey, F. journ['e]e, fr. OF. jorn, jurn, jor a day, F. jour, fr. L. diurnus. See Journal.] [1913 Webster] 1. The travel or work of a day. [Obs.] --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] We have yet large day, for scarce the sun Hath finished half his journey. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Travel or passage from one place to another, especially one covering a large distance or taking a long time. [1913 Webster] The good man . . . is gone a long journey. --Prov. vii. 19. [1913 Webster] 3. Hence: [figurative], A passage through life, or a passage through any significant experience, or from one state to another. [1913 Webster +PJC] We must all have the same journey's end. --Bp. Stillingfleet. 4. The distance that is traveled in a journey[2], or the time taken to complete a journey[2]; as, it's a two-day journey from the oasis into Cairo by camel; from Mecca to Samarkand is quite a journey. [PJC] Syn: Tour; excursion; trip; expedition; pilgrimage; jaunt. Usage: Journey, Tour, Excursion, Pilgrimage. The word journey suggests the idea of a somewhat prolonged traveling for a specific object, leading a person to pass directly from one point to another. In a tour, we take a roundabout course from place to place, more commonly for pleasure, though sometimes on business. An excursion is usually a brief tour or trip for pleasure, health, etc. In a pilgrimage we travel to a place hallowed by our religions affections, or by some train of sacred or tender associations. A journey on important business; the tour of Europe; an excursion to the lakes; a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. [1913 Webster]


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