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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Jerusalem artichoke (0.00771 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Jerusalem artichoke.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke
n 1: edible tuber of the Jerusalem artichoke
2: tall perennial with hairy stems and leaves; widely
cultivated for its large irregular edible tubers [syn:
Jerusalem artichoke sunflower,
Helianthus tuberosus]
3: sunflower tuber eaten raw or boiled or sliced thin and fried
as Saratoga chips [syn:
English → English (gcide)
Definition: Jerusalem artichoke
\Je*ru"sa*lem\ (j[-e]*r[udd]"s[.a]*l[e^]m), n. [Gr.
'Ieroysalh`m, fr. Heb. Y[e^]r[=u]sh[=a]laim.]
The chief city of Palestine, intimately associated with the
glory of the Jewish nation, and the life and death of Jesus
[1913 Webster]
Jerusalem artichoke [Perh. a corrupt. of It. girasole i.e.,
sunflower, or turnsole. See
Solar.] (Bot.)
(a) An American plant, a perennial species of sunflower
Helianthus tuberosus), whose tubers are sometimes used
as food.
(b) One of the tubers themselves.
Jerusalem cherry (Bot.), the popular name of either of two
species of
Solanum (
Solanum Pseudo-capsicum and
Solanum capsicastrum), cultivated as ornamental house
plants. They bear bright red berries of about the size of
Jerusalem oak (Bot.), an aromatic goosefoot (
Chenopodium Botrys
), common about houses and along roadsides.
Jerusalem sage (Bot.), a perennial herb of the Mint family
Phlomis tuberosa).
Jerusalem thorn (Bot.), a spiny, leguminous tree
Parkinsonia aculeata), widely dispersed in warm
countries, and used for hedges.
The New Jerusalem, Heaven; the Celestial City.
[1913 Webster]