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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: In full uniform (0.00837 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to In full uniform.
English → English (gcide) Definition: In full uniform Uniform \U"ni*form\, n. [F. uniforme. See Uniform, a.] A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in the same service or order by means of which they have a distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of the police, of the Freemasons, etc. [1913 Webster] There are many things which, a soldier will do in his plain clothes which he scorns to do in his uniform. --F. W. Robertson. [1913 Webster] In full uniform (Mil.), wearing the whole of the prescribed uniform, with ornaments, badges of rank, sash, side arms, etc. Uniform sword, an officer's sword of the regulation pattern prescribed for the army or navy. [1913 Webster]


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