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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Hefty (0.00753 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Hefty.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: hefty agam, kukuh
English → English (WordNet) Definition: hefty hefty adj 1: (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful; “a hefty athlete”; “a muscular boxer”; “powerful arms” [syn: brawny, muscular, powerful, sinewy] 2: of considerable weight and size; “a hefty dictionary” 3: large in amount or extent or degree; “it cost a considerable amount”; “a goodly amount”; “received a hefty bonus”; “a respectable sum”; “a tidy sum of money”; “a sizable fortune” [syn: goodly, goodish, respectable, sizable, sizeable, tidy] [also: heftiest, heftier]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Hefty Hefty \Heft"y\, a. 1. Moderately heavy. [Colloq. U. S.] [1913 Webster] 2. Strong; muscular; -- of people. [PJC] 3. Substantial; large; as, a hefty increase in annual profits. [PJC]


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