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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Hartshorn (0.00709 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Hartshorn.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Hartshorn Hartshorn \Harts"horn`\ (-h[^o]rn`), n. 1. The horn or antler of the hart, or male red deer. [1913 Webster] 2. Spirits of hartshorn (see below); volatile salts. [1913 Webster] Hartshorn plantain (Bot.), an annual species of plantain (Plantago Coronopus); -- called also buck's-horn. --Booth. Hartshorn shavings, originally taken from the horns of harts, are now obtained chiefly by planing down the bones of calves. They afford a kind of jelly. --Hebert. Salt of hartshorn (Chem.), an impure solid carbonate of ammonia, obtained by the destructive distillation of hartshorn, or any kind of bone; volatile salts. --Brande & C. Spirits of hartshorn (Chem.), a solution of ammonia in water; -- so called because formerly obtained from hartshorn shavings by destructive distillation. Similar ammoniacal solutions from other sources have received the same name. [1913 Webster]


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