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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Haematopus Bachmani (0.00726 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Haematopus Bachmani.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Haematopus Bachmani oystercatcher \oystercatcher\, oyster catcher \oyster catcher\n. (Zo["o]l.), Any one of several species of wading birds of the genus H[ae]matopus having stout legs and bill and mostly black-and-white plumage, which frequent seashores and feed upon oysters and other shellfish. The European species (H[ae]matopus ostralegus), the common American species (H[ae]matopus palliatus), and the California, or black, oyster catcher (H[ae]matopus Bachmani) are the best known. Syn: oyster plover. [1913 Webster]


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