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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Guardian spirit (0.02495 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Guardian spirit.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: guardian spirit dahyang
English → English (WordNet) Definition: guardian spirit guardian spirit n : an angel believed to have special affection for a particular individual [syn: guardian angel]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Guardian spirit Guardian \Guard"i*an\ (g[aum]rd"[i^]*an or g[aum]rd"yan; 106), a. Performing, or appropriate to, the office of a protector; as, a guardian care. [1913 Webster] Feast of Guardian Angels (R. C. Ch.) a church festival instituted by Pope Paul V., and celebrated on October 2d. Guardian angel. (a) The particular spiritual being believed in some branches of the Christian church to have guardianship and protection of each human being from birth. (b) Hence, a protector or defender in general. --O. W. Holmes. Guardian spirit, in the belief of many pagan nations, a spirit, often of a deceased relative or friend, that presides over the interests of a household, a city, or a region. [1913 Webster]


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