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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Grandest (0.01237 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Grandest.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: grand agung
English → English (WordNet) Definition: grand grand adj 1: impressive in scale; “an expansive lifestyle”; “in the grand manner” [syn: expansive] 2: of or befitting a lord; “heir to a lordly fortune”; “of august lineage” [syn: august, lordly] 3: impressive in size or scope; “heroic undertakings” [syn: heroic] grand n 1: the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100 [syn: thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, thou, yard] 2: a piano with the strings on a harp-shaped frame; usually supported by 3 legs [syn: grand piano]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Grandest Grand \Grand\ (gr[a^]nd), a. [Compar. Grander (gr[a^]nd"[~e]r); superl. Grandest.] [OE. grant, grount, OF. grant, F. grand, fr. L. grandis; perh. akin to gravis heavy, E. grave, a. Cf. Grandee.] 1. Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal; as, a grand mountain; a grand army; a grand mistake. “Our grand foe, Satan.” --Milton. [1913 Webster] Making so bold . . . to unseal Their grand commission. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignifled, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things); as, a grand monarch; a grand lord; a grand general; a grand view; a grand conception. [1913 Webster] They are the highest models of expression, the unapproached masters of the grand style. --M. Arnold. [1913 Webster] 3. Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name; as, a grand lodge; a grand vizier; a grand piano, etc. [1913 Webster] 4. Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent; -- generalIy used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc. [1913 Webster] What cause Mov'd our grand parents, in that happy state, Favor'd of Heaven so highly, to fall off From their Creator. --Milton. [1913 Webster] Grand action, a pianoforte action, used in grand pianos, in which special devices are employed to obtain perfect action of the hammer in striking and leaving the string. Grand Army of the Republic, an organized voluntary association of men who served in the Union army or navy during the civil war in the United States. The order has chapters, called Posts, throughout the country. Grand paunch, a glutton or gourmand. [Obs.] --Holland. Grand pensionary. See under Pensionary. Grand piano (Mus.), a large piano, usually harp-shaped, in which the wires or strings are generally triplicated, increasing the power, and all the mechanism is introduced in the most effective manner, regardless of the size of the instrument. Grand relief (Sculp.), alto relievo. Grand Seignior. See under Seignior. Grand stand, the principal stand, or erection for spectators, at a, race course, etc. Grand vicar (Eccl.), a principal vicar; an ecclesiastical delegate in France. Grand vizier. See under Vizier. Syn: Magnificent; sublime; majestic; dignified; elevated; stately; august; pompous; lofty; eralted; noble. Usage: Grand, Magnificent, Sublime. Grand, in reference to objects of taste, is applied to that which expands the mind by a sense of vastness and majesty; magnificent is applied to anything which is imposing from its splendor; sublime describes that which is awful and elevating. A cataract is grand; a rich and varied landscape is magnificent; an overhanging precipice is sublime. “Grandeur admits of degrees and modifications; but magnificence is that which has already reached the highest degree of superiority naturally belonging to the object in question.” --Crabb. [1913 Webster]


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