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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Gaultheria (0.01219 detik)
Found 2 items, similar to Gaultheria.
English → English (WordNet) Definition: Gaultheria Gaultheria n : widely distributed genus of creeping or upright evergreen shrubs [syn: genus Gaultheria]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Gaultheria Gaultheria \Gaul*the"ri*a\, n. [NL.] (Bot.) A genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries. It includes the American winter-green (Gaultheria procumbens), and the larger-fruited salal of Northwestern America (Gaultheria Shallon). [1913 Webster] Wintergreen \Win"ter*green`\, n. (Bot.) A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter. [1913 Webster] Note: In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the species of Pyrola which in America are called English wintergreen, and shin leaf (see Shin leaf, under Shin.) In America, the name wintergreen is given to Gaultheria procumbens, a low evergreen aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed by red berries; -- called also checkerberry, and sometimes, though improperly, partridge berry. [1913 Webster] Chickweed wintergreen, a low perennial primulaceous herb (Trientalis Americana); -- also called star flower. Flowering wintergreen, a low plant (Polygala paucifolia) with leaves somewhat like those of the wintergreen (Gaultheria), and bearing a few showy, rose-purple blossoms. Spotted wintergreen, a low evergreen plant (Chimaphila maculata ) with ovate, white-spotted leaves. [1913 Webster]


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