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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Garden syringe (0.01590 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Garden syringe.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Garden syringe Garden \Gar"den\ (g[aum]r"d'n; 277), n. [OE. gardin, OF. gardin, jardin, F. jardin, of German origin; cf. OHG. garto, G. garten; akin to AS. geard. See Yard an inclosure.] 1. A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. [1913 Webster] 2. A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country. [1913 Webster] I am arrived from fruitful Lombardy, The pleasant garden of great Italy. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Note: Garden is often used adjectively or in self-explaining compounds; as, garden flowers, garden tools, garden walk, garden wall, garden house or gardenhouse. [1913 Webster] Garden balsam, an ornamental plant (Impatiens Balsamina). Garden engine, a wheelbarrow tank and pump for watering gardens. Garden glass. (a) A bell glass for covering plants. (b) A globe of dark-colored glass, mounted on a pedestal, to reflect surrounding objects; -- much used as an ornament in gardens in Germany. Garden house (a) A summer house. --Beau. & Fl. (b) A privy. [Southern U.S.] Garden husbandry, the raising on a small scale of seeds, fruits, vegetables, etc., for sale. Garden mold or Garden mould, rich, mellow earth which is fit for a garden. --Mortimer. Garden nail, a cast nail, used for fastening vines to brick walls. --Knight. Garden net, a net for covering fruits trees, vines, etc., to protect them from birds. Garden party, a social party held out of doors, within the grounds or garden attached to a private residence. Garden plot, a plot appropriated to a garden. Garden pot, a watering pot. Garden pump, a garden engine; a barrow pump. Garden shears, large shears, for clipping trees and hedges, pruning, etc. Garden spider, (Zo["o]l.), the diadem spider (Epeira diadema ), common in gardens, both in Europe and America. It spins a geometrical web. See Geometric spider, and Spider web. Garden stand, a stand for flower pots. Garden stuff, vegetables raised in a garden. [Colloq.] Garden syringe, a syringe for watering plants, sprinkling them with solutions for destroying insects, etc. Garden truck, vegetables raised for the market. [Colloq.] Garden ware, garden truck. [Obs.] --Mortimer. Bear garden, Botanic garden, etc. See under Bear, etc. Hanging garden. See under Hanging. Kitchen garden, a garden where vegetables are cultivated for household use. Market garden, a piece of ground where vegetable are cultivated to be sold in the markets for table use. [1913 Webster] Syringe \Syr"inge\, n. [F. seringue (cf. Pr. siringua, Sp. jeringa, It. sciringa, scilinga), fg. Gr. ?, ?, a pipe or tube; cf. Skr. svar to sound, and E. swarum. Cf. Syringa.] A kind of small hand-pump for throwing a stream of liquid, or for purposes of aspiration. It consists of a small cylindrical barrel and piston, or a bulb of soft elastic material, with or without valves, and with a nozzle which is sometimes at the end of a flexible tube; -- used for injecting animal bodies, cleansing wounds, etc. [1913 Webster] Garden syringe. See Garden. [1913 Webster]


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