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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Furtive (0.00937 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Furtive.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: furtive diam-diam
English → English (WordNet) Definition: furtive furtive adj 1: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; “a furtive manner”; “a lurking prowler”; “a sneak attack”; “stealthy footsteps”; “a surreptitious glance at his watch”; “someone skulking in the shadows” [syn: lurking, skulking, sneak(a), sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious] 2: secret and sly or sordid; “backstairs gossip”; “his low backstairs cunning”- A.L.Guerard; “backstairs intimacies”; “furtive behavior” [syn: backstair, backstairs]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Furtive Furtive \Fur"tive\, a. [L. furtivus, fr. furtum theft, fr. fur thief, akin to ferre to bear: cf. F. furtif. See Fertile.] Stolen; obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy; as, a furtive look. --Prior. [1913 Webster] A hasty and furtive ceremony. --Hallam. [1913 Webster]


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