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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Framing chisel (0.00996 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Framing chisel.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Framing chisel Framing \Fram"ing\, n. 1. The act, process, or style of putting together a frame, or of constructing anything; a frame; that which frames. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch. & Engin.) A framework, or a sy? of frames. [1913 Webster] Framing chisel (Carp.), a heavy chisel with a socket shank for making mortises. Socket \Sock"et\, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See Sock a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth. [1913 Webster] His eyeballs in their hollow sockets sink. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Especially, the hollow tube or place in which a candle is fixed in the candlestick. [1913 Webster] 3. (Electricity) the receptacle of an electric lamp into which a light bulb is inserted, containing contacts to conduct electricity to the bulb. [PJC] 4. (Electricity) the receptacle fixed in a wall and connected by conductive wiring to an electrical supply, containing contacts to conduct electricity, and into which the plug of an electrical device is inserted; -- called also a wall socket or outlet. The socket will typically have two or three contacts; if three, the third is connected to a ground for safety. [PJC] And in the sockets oily bubbles dance. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] Socket bolt (Mach.), a bolt that passes through a thimble that is placed between the parts connected by the bolt. Socket chisel. Same as Framing chisel. See under Framing. Socket pipe, a pipe with an expansion at one end to receive the end of a connecting pipe. Socket pole, a pole armed with iron fixed on by means of a socket, and used to propel boats, etc. [U.S.] Socket wrench, a wrench consisting of a socket at the end of a shank or rod, for turning a nut, bolthead, etc., in a narrow or deep recess. [1913 Webster]


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