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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Fork-tailed kite (0.01345 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Fork-tailed kite.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Fork-tailed kite Fork-tailed \Fork"-tailed`\, a. (Zo["o]l.) Having the outer tail feathers longer than the median ones; swallow-tailed; -- said of many birds. [1913 Webster] Fork-tailed flycatcher (Zo["o]l.), a tropical American flycatcher (Milvulus tyrannus). Fork-tailed gull (Zo["o]l.), a gull of the genus Xema, of two species, esp. X. Sabinii of the Arctic Ocean. Fork-tailed kite (Zo["o]l.), a graceful American kite (Elanoides forficatus); -- called also swallow-tailed kite . [1913 Webster]


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