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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Flowing (0.03477 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Flowing.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: flow aliran, arus, bercucuran, cicik, gerabak, mengalir, pancaran, pengaliran
English → English (WordNet) Definition: flowing flowing adj 1: smooth and unconstrained in movement; “a long, smooth stride”; “the fluid motion of a cat”; “the liquid grace of a ballerina”; “liquid prose” [syn: fluent, fluid, liquid, smooth] 2: (of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure; “an artesian well”; “artesian pressure” [syn: artesian] [ant: subartesian] 3: moving smoothly and continuously; “crowds flowing through the canyons of the streets”; “fan streaming into the concert hall” [syn: streaming] 4: (of liquids) moving freely; “a flowing brook” [syn: streaming] n : the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases) [syn: flow]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Flowing Flow \Flow\ (fl[=o]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Flowed (fl[=o]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Flowing.] [AS. fl[=o]wan; akin to D. vloeijen, OHG. flawen to wash, Icel. fl[=o]a to deluge, Gr. plw`ein to float, sail, and prob. ultimately to E. float, fleet. [root]80. Cf. Flood.] 1. To move with a continual change of place among the particles or parts, as a fluid; to change place or circulate, as a liquid; as, rivers flow from springs and lakes; tears flow from the eyes. [1913 Webster] 2. To become liquid; to melt. [1913 Webster] The mountains flowed down at thy presence. --Is. lxiv. 3. [1913 Webster] 3. To proceed; to issue forth; as, wealth flows from industry and economy. [1913 Webster] Those thousand decencies that daily flow From all her words and actions. --Milton. [1913 Webster] 4. To glide along smoothly, without harshness or asperties; as, a flowing period; flowing numbers; to sound smoothly to the ear; to be uttered easily. [1913 Webster] Virgil is sweet and flowingin his hexameters. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 5. To have or be in abundance; to abound; to full, so as to run or flow over; to be copious. [1913 Webster] In that day . . . the hills shall flow with milk. --Joel iii. 18. [1913 Webster] The exhilaration of a night that needed not the influence of the flowing bowl. --Prof. Wilson. [1913 Webster] 6. To hang loose and waving; as, a flowing mantle; flowing locks. [1913 Webster] The imperial purple flowing in his train. --A. Hamilton. [1913 Webster] 7. To rise, as the tide; -- opposed to ebb; as, the tide flows twice in twenty-four hours. [1913 Webster] The river hath thrice flowed, no ebb between. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 8. To discharge blood in excess from the uterus. [1913 Webster] Flowing \Flow"ing\, a. That flows or for flowing (in various sense of the verb); gliding along smoothly; copious. [1913 Webster] Flowing battery (Elec.), a battery which is kept constant by the flowing of the exciting liquid through the cell or cells. --Knight. Flowing furnace, a furnace from which molten metal, can be drawn, as through a tap hole; a foundry cupola. Flowing sheet (Naut.), a sheet when eased off, or loosened to the wind, as when the wind is abaft the beam. --Totten. [1913 Webster] Flowing \Flow"ing\, a. & n. from Flow, v. i. & t. [1913 Webster]


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