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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Fingerprint (0.01886 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Fingerprint.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: fingerprint sidik jari
English → English (WordNet) Definition: fingerprint fingerprint n 1: biometric identification from a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger; often used as evidence in criminal investigations 2: a generic term for any identifying characteristic; “that tax bill had the senator's fingerprints all over it” 3: a smudge made by a (dirty) finger [syn: fingermark] fingerprint v : take an impression of a person's fingerprints
English → English (gcide) Definition: Fingerprint Fingerprint \Fin"ger*print\, n. [Finger + print.] 1. an impression of the pattern of ridges on the skin of the last joint of a person's finger, left on a surface after a person has touched the surface. Note: Fingerprints left by persons who have committed crimes are considered as reliable physical evidence linking an individual with a crime, because each person's fingerprints are distinctively different from those of others, allowing identification of a person with high confidence. [PJC] 2. a fingerprint[1] made intentionally in ink on a paper form for the purpose of identification of the individual. [PJC] 3. any distinctive pattern of characteristics or properties of an object which can serve to identify that object; as, the distinctive fingerprint of eugenol in the mass spectrum allowed easy recognition of its presence in the sample. [PJC] 4. a smudge made by a (dirty) finger. [WordNet sense 3] Syn: fingermark. [WordNet 1.5]


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