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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: F officinalis (0.00935 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to F officinalis.
English → English (gcide) Definition: F officinalis Fumitory \Fu"mi*to*ry\, n. [OE. fumetere, F. fumeterre, prop., smoke of the ground, fr. L. fumus smoke + terra earth. See Fume, and Terrace.] (Bot.) The common uame of several species of the genus Fumaria, annual herbs of the Old World, with finely dissected leaves and small flowers in dense racemes or spikes. F. officinalis is a common species, and was formerly used as an antiscorbutic. [1913 Webster] Climbing fumitory (Bot.), the Alleghany vine (Adlumia cirrhosa ); a biennial climbing plant with elegant feathery leaves and large clusters of pretty white or pinkish flowers looking like grains of rice. [1913 Webster]


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