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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Egyptian cross (0.00964 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Egyptian cross.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Egyptian cross Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, a. [L. Aegyptius, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L. Aegyptus) Egypt: cf. F. ['e]gyptien. Cf. Gypsy.] Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa. [1913 Webster] Egyptian bean. (Bot.) (a) The beanlike fruit of an aquatic plant (Nelumbium speciosum ), somewhat resembling the water lily. (b) See under Bean, 1. Egyptian cross. See Illust. (No. 6) of Cross. Egyptian thorn (Bot.), a medium-sized tree (Acacia vera). It is one of the chief sources of the best gum arabic. [1913 Webster]


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