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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Dwelled (0.01269 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Dwelled.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: dwell bertempat tinggal, duduk, mendiami, merenungkan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: dwell dwell v 1: think moodily or anxiously about something [syn: brood] 2: originate (in); “The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country” [syn: consist, lie, belong, lie in] 3: make one's home or live in; “She resides officially in Iceland”; “I live in a 200-year old house”; “These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted”; “The plains are sparsely populated” [syn: shack, reside, live, inhabit, people, populate, domicile, domiciliate] 4: come back to; “Don't dwell on the past”; “She is always harping on the same old things” [syn: harp] [also: dwelt]
English → English (gcide) Definition: Dwelled Dwell \Dwell\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Dwelled, usually contracted into Dwelt (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Dwelling.] [OE. dwellen, dwelien, to err, linger, AS. dwellan to deceive, hinder, delay, dwelian to err; akin to Icel. dvelja to delay, tarry, Sw. dv["a]ljas to dwell, Dan. dv[ae]le to linger, and to E. dull. See Dull, and cf. Dwale.] 1. To delay; to linger. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. To abide; to remain; to continue. [1913 Webster] I 'll rather dwell in my necessity. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Thy soul was like a star and dwelt apart. --Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] 3. To abide as a permanent resident, or for a time; to live in a place; to reside. [1913 Webster] The parish in which I was born, dwell, and have possessions. --Peacham. [1913 Webster] The poor man dwells in a humble cottage near the hall where the lord of the domain resides. --C. J. Smith. [1913 Webster] To dwell in, to abide in (a place); hence, to depend on. “My hopes in heaven to dwell.” --Shak. To dwell on or To dwell upon, to continue long on or in; to remain absorbed with; to stick to; to make much of; as, to dwell upon a subject; a singer dwells on a note. [1913 Webster] They stand at a distance, dwelling on his looks and language, fixed in amazement. --Buckminster. Syn: To inhabit; live; abide; sojourn; reside; continue; stay; rest. [1913 Webster]


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