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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Draw in (0.01833 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Draw in.
English → English (WordNet)
Definition: draw in
draw in
v 1: remove as if by suction;
“draw in air” [syn:
suck in
2: pull inward or towards a center;
“The pilot drew in the
landing gear”;
“The cat retracted his claws” [syn:
3: direct toward itself or oneself by means of some
psychological power or physical attributes;
“Her good
looks attract the stares of many men”;
“The ad pulled in
many potential customers”;
“This pianist pulls huge
“The store owner was happy that the ad drew in
many new customers” [syn:
pull in,
4: shape one's body into a curl;
“She curled farther down under
the covers”;
“She fell and drew in” [syn:
curl up,
5: advance or converge on;
“The police were closing in on him”
close in]
6: move into (a station) of trains;
“The bullet train drew into
Tokyo Station” [syn:
pull in,
get in,
move in] [ant:
pull out]
7: draw in as if by suction;
“suck in your cheeks and stomach”
suck in]