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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Distinguished (0.00897 detik)
Found 3 items, similar to Distinguished.
English → Indonesian (quick) Definition: distinguish membedakan
English → English (WordNet) Definition: distinguished distinguished adj 1: (used of persons) standing above others in character or attainment or reputation; “our distinguished professor”; “an eminent scholar”; “a great statesman” [syn: eminent, great] 2: used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person; “his distinguished bearing”; “the monarch's imposing presence”; “she reigned in magisterial beauty” [syn: imposing, magisterial] 3: set apart from other such things
English → English (gcide) Definition: Distinguished Distinguish \Dis*tin"guish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Distinguished; p. pr. & vb. n. Distinguishing.] [F. distinguer, L. distinguere, distinctum; di- = dis- + stinguere to quench, extinguish; prob. orig., to prick, and so akin to G. stechen, E. stick, and perh. sting. Cf. Extinguish.] 1. Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by some characteristic. [1913 Webster] Not more distinguished by her purple vest, Than by the charming features of her face. --Dryden. [1913 Webster] Milton has distinguished the sweetbrier and the eglantine. --Nares. [1913 Webster] 2. To separate by definition of terms or logical division of a subject with regard to difference; as, to distinguish sounds into high and low. [1913 Webster] Moses distinguished the causes of the flood into those that belong to the heavens, and those that belong to the earth. --T. Burnet. [1913 Webster] 3. To recognize or discern by marks, signs, or characteristic quality or qualities; to know and discriminate (anything) from other things with which it might be confounded; as, to distinguish the sound of a drum. [1913 Webster] We are enabled to distinguish good from evil, as well as truth from falsehood. --Watts. [1913 Webster] Nor more can you distinguish of a man, Than of his outward show. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 4. To constitute a difference; to make to differ. [1913 Webster] Who distinguisheth thee? --1 Cor. iv. 7. (Douay version). [1913 Webster] 5. To separate from others by a mark of honor; to make eminent or known; to confer distinction upon; -- with by or for.“To distinguish themselves by means never tried before.” --Johnson. Syn: To mark; discriminate; differentiate; characterize; discern; perceive; signalize; honor; glorify. [1913 Webster] Distinguished \Dis*tin"guished\, a. 1. Marked; special. [1913 Webster] The most distinguished politeness. --Mad. D' Arblay. [1913 Webster] 2. Separated from others by distinct difference; having, or indicating, superiority; eminent or known; illustrious; -- applied to persons and deeds. Syn: Marked; noted; famous; conspicuous; celebrated; transcendent; eminent; illustrious; extraordinary; prominent. -- Distinguished, Eminent, Conspicuous, Celebrated, Illustrious. A man is eminent, when he stands high as compared with those around him; conspicuous, when he is so elevated as to be seen and observed; distinguished, when he has something which makes him stand apart from others in the public view; celebrated, when he is widely spoken of with honor and respect; illustrious, when a splendor is thrown around him which confers the highest dignity. [1913 Webster]


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