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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Di- (0.00833 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Di-.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Di- Dia- \Di"a-\, Di- \Di-\ . [Gr. dia` through; orig., dividing into two parts; akin to ? two. See Two, and cf. 1st Di-.] A prefix denoting through; also, between, apart, asunder, across. Before a vowel dia- becomes di-; as, diactinic; dielectric, etc. [1913 Webster] Di- \Di-\ [Gr. di`s- twice; akin to ? two, L. bis twice. See Two, and cf. Bi-, Dia-. The L. pref. dis- sometimes assumes the form di-. See Dis-.] A prefix, signifying twofold, double, twice; (Chem.) denoting two atoms, radicals, groups, or equivalents, as the case may be. See Bi-, 2.


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