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Hasil cari dari kata atau frase: Decretal (0.00815 detik)
Found 1 items, similar to Decretal.
English → English (gcide) Definition: Decretal Decretal \De*cre"tal\, a. [L. decretalis, fr. decretum. See Decree.] Appertaining to a decree; containing a decree; as, a decretal epistle. --Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] Decretal \De*cre"tal\, n. [LL. decretale, neut. of L. decretalis. See Decretal, a.] 1. (R. C. Ch.) An authoritative order or decree; especially, a letter of the pope, determining some point or question in ecclesiastical law. The decretals form the second part of the canon law. [1913 Webster] 2. (Canon Law) The collection of ecclesiastical decrees and decisions made, by order of Gregory IX., in 1234, by St. Raymond of Pennafort. [1913 Webster]


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